Using dynamic merchant descriptor


When processing card payments, ecommpay follows the rules of card networks and shares the merchant details with other parties involved in payment processing. These details contain the name and the country code of the organisation as well as the information about the headquarters location or other attributes, such as the phone number or the web service address, with regard to the card networks recommendations and the merchant's preferences. As a result, the parties in payment processing can use these details in their work. In particular, issuers can specify them in notifications and bank statements—this allows customers to identify merchants and payments more clearly thus helping merchants to improve customer experience and reduce chargebacks from customers.

When processing card payments, ecommpay follows the rules of card networks and provides other parties involved in payment processing with the following merchant details: the name and the country code of the organisation as well as the information about the headquarters location or other attributes. Due to this, such details can be specified in notifications and bank statements by issuers and used by other parties in payment processing.

Restriction: When using this capability, keep in mind that depending on a number of factors such as the specifics of the issuer's statement configuration, notification options, and the version of the banking application used, the merchant information can be displayed differently or it may not be displayed at all.

The basic details about every merchant are registered in the payment platform during the integration with the merchant web service and linked to the merchant identifier (Merchant ID, MID). These details are permanent, however, if needed, they can be modified—for this, address the ecommpay key account manager. Along with that, certain details about the merchant can change from operation to operation based on the information received in requests—these changeable details are called the dynamic descriptor. In such cases, the merchant details consist of the basic values for indicating the name and the country code of the organisation and the information from requests. This allows to use case-specific information, for example, the URL of the subscription management page when performing debiting of funds for the subscription.

Changeable merchant details can be used for the processing of one-time (one- and two-step) purchases and COF purchases as well as for making refunds for such purchases. Along with that, the transmitted data is restricted only by the string length and the set of valid characters (more on that further in the article), which provides enough flexibility in using this capability—including for customer authentication with the use of validation codes (similarly to the authentication on the merchant's request) by sending such codes in requests for them to be specified by the customers in the web service.

The basic details about every merchant are registered in the payment platform during the integration with the merchant web service and linked to the merchant identifier (Merchant ID, MID). Certain details about the merchant can change for separate operations based on the information received in the requests for processing these operations—these changeable details are called the dynamic descriptor. In such cases, the merchant details consist of the basic values for indicating the name and the country code of the organisation and the information from requests.


The basic details about the merchant are registered by the ecommpay specialists, which does not require the merchant's participation. The capability of using changeable details and inclusion of the specified details in final callbacks can be coordinated with the ecommpay key account manager. After the coordination, the ecommpay specialists perform the necessary setup in the payment platform and let the merchant know that the necessary configuration for using the changeable descriptions has been prepared.

The capability of using changeable details and inclusion of the specified details in final callbacks can be coordinated with the ecommpay key account manager. After the coordination, the ecommpay specialists perform the necessary setup in the payment platform and let the merchant know that the necessary configuration for using the changeable descriptions has been prepared.


After the capability of using changeable descriptions has been setup, the necessary details can be specified in the descriptor parameter of the merchant object in requests to the following endpoints:

The maximum length of the descriptor parameter value is 13 characters which can be Latin letters from the basic Latin alphabet, numbers, and the following valid special characters.

Table 1. Valid special characters
" U+0022 quotation mark
# U+0023 number sign (octothorpe)
$ U+0024 dollar sign
' U+0027 apostrophe
( U+0028 left parenthesis
) U+0029 right parenthesis
` U+0060 grave accent
* U+002A asterisk (star)
+ U+002B plus sign
, U+002C comma
- U+002D hyphen-minus
. U+002E full stop
/ U+002F solidus (slash)
: U+003A colon
; U+003B semicolon
= U+003D equals sign
? U+003F question mark
\ U+005C reverse solidus (backslash)
^ U+005E circumflex accent
_ U+005F low line (spacing underscore)
Table 2. Valid special characters
" U+0022 quotation mark
# U+0023 number sign (octothorpe)
$ U+0024 dollar sign
' U+0027 apostrophe
( U+0028 left parenthesis
) U+0029 right parenthesis
` U+0060 grave accent
* U+002A asterisk (star)
+ U+002B plus sign
, U+002C comma
- U+002D hyphen-minus
. U+002E full stop
/ U+002F solidus (slash)
: U+003A colon
; U+003B semicolon
= U+003D equals sign
? U+003F question mark
\ U+005C reverse solidus (backslash)
^ U+005E circumflex accent
_ U+005F low line (spacing underscore)

If this has been coordinated, the details sent in the requests are included in the merchantDescriptor parameter in final callbacks.

Figure: Example of callback data

    "account": {
        "number": "431422******0056",
        "token": "f365bb1729f9b72fd9d18070d15654",
        "type": "visa",
        "card_holder": "ALBERT ASTONE",
        "id": 45678,
        "expiry_month": "08",
        "expiry_year": "2025"
    "customer": {
        "id": "cosmo_customer_12"
    "payment": {
        "date": "2022-06-23T09:07:00+0000",
        "id": "456789",
        "method": "card",
        "status": "success",
        "sum": {
            "amount": 2990,
            "currency": "USD"
        "type": "purchase",
        "description": "Cosmoshop order"
    "project_id": 42,
    "operation": {
        "id": 969000002636,
        "type": "sale",
        "status": "success",
        "date": "2022-06-23T09:08:00+0000",
        "created_date": "2022-06-23T09:07:45+0000",
        "request_id": "c6eed1e086d...d0413246c",
        "sum_initial": {
            "amount": 2990,
            "currency": "USD"
        "sum_converted": {
            "amount": 2990,
            "currency": "USD"
        "merchantDescriptor": "", // merchant details
        "code": "0",
        "message": "Success",
    "signature": "v7KNMpfogAx1ZZ5D/aZAebMdeR+CqGilUwSm...=="

Figure: Example of callback data

    "account": {
        "number": "431422******0056",
        "token": "f365bb1729f9b72fd9d18070d15654",
        "type": "visa",
        "card_holder": "ALBERT ASTONE",
        "id": 45678,
        "expiry_month": "08",
        "expiry_year": "2025"
    "customer": {
        "id": "cosmo_customer_12"
    "payment": {
        "date": "2022-06-23T09:07:00+0000",
        "id": "456789",
        "method": "card",
        "status": "success",
        "sum": {
            "amount": 2990,
            "currency": "USD"
        "type": "purchase",
        "description": "Cosmoshop order"
    "project_id": 42,
    "operation": {
        "id": 969000002636,
        "type": "sale",
        "status": "success",
        "date": "2022-06-23T09:08:00+0000",
        "created_date": "2022-06-23T09:07:45+0000",
        "request_id": "c6eed1e086d...d0413246c",
        "sum_initial": {
            "amount": 2990,
            "currency": "USD"
        "sum_converted": {
            "amount": 2990,
            "currency": "USD"
        "merchantDescriptor": "", // merchant details
        "code": "0",
        "message": "Success",
    "signature": "v7KNMpfogAx1ZZ5D/aZAebMdeR+CqGilUwSm...=="