Payment instrument verification

Notice: This article provides a general description of performing payment instrument verification in the ecommpay payment platform and covers information about statuses that can be used in the process.

In addition, use the following materials to gain a fuller understanding of payment instrument verification:

  • Payment instrument verification—an article that covers payment instrument verification via Payment Page and describes requests and callbacks that are used in case of card payments.
  • articles of the Payment methods section containing a description of payment instrument verification via Payment Page with the focus on the specific features of the payment method used and information about relevant requests and callbacks.

To find out whether you can use payment instrument verification, refer to your ecommpay account manager.


Payment instrument verification is a payment type in which the customer card or account is validated by either transferring a dummy (zero) amount from customer to merchant or by authorizing a specific amount (non-zero) on the customer card or account and then voiding the transfer or the authorization. The authorization amount can be changed on merchant's request. Normally, the authorized amount is released shortly after the operation, but in some instances the authorized amount can be held up to 45 days.

You can use this payment type for initialization of COF purchases.

Payment model

To initiate payment instrument verification, the merchant must specify the card_verify opening mode in the request for opening the payment form. As soon as the customer confirms payment instrument verification, request is sent to the payment platform. Once the payment platform receives the request, it creates the account verification operation which eventually results in verifying the customer payment instument on the side of the issuer or the payment system, and after that notification about the result is sent to the web service.

Payment instrument verification may involve auxiliary procedures such as 3‑D Secure authentication and/or providing additional payment information. These procedures do not require any additional effort on merchant's web service side, but usually require customer actions.

Figure 1. State diagram for payment instrument verification

The rest of this section describes any possible statuses of a payment instrument verification and operations related with the verification procedure. For more information about how to perform payment instrument verification, see Payment instrument verification. For more information about how to perform payment instrument verification depending on the payment instrument, see Methods.

Payment statuses

The following table describes the statuses of payment instrument verification.

error Payment processing is not initiated, error occurred when processing the request received by the payment platform. Final status. Payment processing can be reinitiated.
processing Payment is being processed. Intermediate status
awaiting 3ds result Payment processing is suspended until the payment platform receives the information about 3‑D Secure authentication result. If the payment platform does not receive the information about the authentication result within 30 minutes, then the payment status is set to decline. Intermediate status
awaiting clarification Payment processing is suspended until the payment platform receives the additional information from the customer. If the payment platform does not receive the required information within 30 minutes, the status is set to decline. Intermediate status
decline Payment could not be completed. Final status
success Payment has completed successfully. Final status.

The account verification operation statuses

The following table describes the statuses of any account verification operation.

processing Operation is being processed. Intermediate status
awaiting 3ds result Operation processing is suspended until the payment platform receives the information about 3‑D Secure authentication result. If the payment platform does not receive the information about the authentication result within 30 minutes, then the payment status is set to decline. Intermediate status
awaiting clarification Operation processing is suspended until the payment platform receives the additional information from the customer. If the payment platform does not receive the required information within 30 minutes, the status is set to decline. Intermediate status
decline Operation could not be completed. Final status
success Operation has completed successfully. Final status

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