Managing payment methods availability


For accepting payments using Payment Page, merchants can set up the functionality of hiding payment methods that are available within the current project but are not relevant for a particular payment due to region- or customer-specific reasons and other factors. With this capability set up, the page for selecting payment methods displays to the customer all the available methods except for the hidden ones.

Hiding payment methods is possible by using the same codes as for preselecting methods in requests for opening Payment Page. However, this does not apply to codes for preselecting method groups: hiding method groups is allowed only by specifying each of these methods, but not by specifying a group.

Request format

For filtering out particular payment methods within a single Payment Page session, specify the hide parameter in the request for opening Payment Page. The value of this parameter is the code of the method to be hidden (according to the reference). If there is more than one method specified, the values should be separated by a comma. No additional actions are required for setting up this functionality. The following example illustrates the parameters passed in the request for executing a payment with the WeChat and Alipay payment methods excluded from the list of methods available for the customer within this payment.

Notice: If the payment is to be processed with the use of only one payment method or group, it is recommended to set up the capability of preselecting payment methods and groups (details).

The following example illustrates the parameters passed in the request for executing a payment with the WeChat and Alipay payment methods excluded from the list of methods available for the customer within this payment.

   "project_id": 43,
   "payment_id": "456790",
   "payment_currency": "USD",
   "payment_amount": 131970,
   "customer_id": "customer_12", 
   "hide": "wechat, alipay",   // codes of the payment methods to be hidden
   "signature": "TSzdE5rJZaA9TYAKoGpfXriFf82MxF..."

Related links

  • Preselecting payment methods—the section with the information about selecting a particular payment method for making a payment.
  • Payment method codes—the reference section with the list of identifiers for the supported payment methods.
  • Methods—the section with the information about the payment methods that are supported within the platform.
  • Parameters for opening payment form—the section with the information about parameters that are used for opening Payment Page.