Scheduled COF purchase

Notice: This article provides a general description of processing scheduled COF purchases in the ecommpay payment platform and covers information about operations utilised to execute a payment of this type and statuses that are assigned to the payment and the operations performed within it.

In addition, use the following materials to gain a fuller understanding of processing COF purchases:

  • COF purchase registration—an article that covers registering COF purchases via Payment Page and describes requests and callbacks that are used in case of card payments.
  • articles of the Payment methods section containing a description of COF purchase registration via Payment Page with the focus on the specific features of the payment method used and information about relevant requests and callbacks.


Scheduled COF purchase is a payment type which uses an initial request to initiate a series of fund transfers from customer to merchant by using previously stored payment credentials without validation of the payment instrument (such as card validation code, or CVC).

Scheduled COF purchases are used for purchases in which the same payment instrument for repeatable miscellaneous purchases with fixed amount and schedule, for instance to pay monthly fee for a subscription. Scheduled COF purchases are convenient for the customer and the merchant because they can be sure that payments will be performed automatically, with no additional actions on their part.

Payment Page supports registering COF purchases, including scheduled COF purchases. In terms of scheduled COF purchases each withdrawal of funds is initiated by the payment platform.

Payment model

A scheduled COF purchase by using Payment Page becomes available only after initial purchase in which the merchant specifies the required purchase type and instruct the payment platform to save customer's purchase credentials. The set of the parameters that are required for the subsequent COF purchases processing may vary depending on the payment method (more: Methods).

If all required parameters were specified during COF purchase registration, the merchant or the customer does not need to initiate the scheduled COF purchase, as in this case withdrawal of funds is initiated automatically by the payment platform. A separate recurring operation is used for each withdrawal. Since this type of purchase is initiated automatically, providing additional payment information is not used.

If needed, the merchant can change payment schedule and/or amount or even cancel COF purchase processing using Gate. Depending on the payment method, the recurring_update and recurring_cancel operations respectively may be performed or not performed.

If the payment method supports refunds, after completing at least one scheduled COF purchase the merchant can perform refund and return the customers their money, if needed. Refund processing is initiated using Gate or Dashboard to perform a refund operation.

Figure 1. State diagram for scheduled COF purchase

The rest of this section describes any possible statuses of an scheduled COF purchase and operations related with the purchase. For more information about how to perform COF purchases with payment cards, see COF purchase registration. For more information about how to perform COF purchases depending on the payment method, see Methods.

Payment statuses

The following table describes the statuses of any scheduled COF purchase.

error Payment processing is not initiated, error occurred when processing the request received by the payment platform. Final status. Payment processing can be reinitiated.
processing Payment is in progress. A current charge is being processed on a prearranged schedule. Intermediate status
awaiting clarification Clarification is not used during scheduled COF purchase processing by using Payment Page Intermediate status
scheduled recurring processing Payment is in progress. A recurring charge is pending on a prearranged schedule. Intermediate status
decline Payment could not be completed. Final status
success Payment has completed successfully—all recurring charges happened. Final status. Additionally the payment refund is supported.
partially refunded The partial amount of payment has returned to a customer. The status is set to partially refunded when all recurring charges happened. Final status. Additionally a partial refund can be canceled.
refunded The the total amount of payment was returned to a customer. The status is set to partially refunded when all recurring charges happened. Final status. Additionally a refund can be canceled.

The recurring operation statuses

The following table describes the statuses of the recurring operation.

processing Operation is being processed. Intermediate status
awaiting clarification Clarification is not used during scheduled COF purchase processing by using Payment Page Intermediate status
decline Operation could not be completed. Final status
success Operation has completed successfully. Final status

The recurring_update and recurring_cancel operations statuses

The following table describes the statuses of the recurring_update and recurring_cancel operations.

processing Operation is being processed. Intermediate status
decline Operation denied. Final status
success Operation completed successfully. Final status

The refund operation statuses

The refund operation statuses coincide with the recurring operation ones.

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