
This subsection provides answers to questions about callbacks sent from the payment platform including their parameters and configuration.

Figure 1. What are the parameters of callbacks?

Callbacks sent from the ecommpay payment platform to merchants' web services include sets of parameters with information about a payment and the last operation performed within this payment. For more information about standard sets of parameters, see Callbacks. Along with that, the structures of callbacks can be configured according to merchants' preferences provided that it is coordinated by the ecommpay technical support specialists. Viewing and changing callback settings is possible only upon request to the ecommpay technical support specialists.

Figure 2. Why don't I receive callbacks?

If a callback is not received over the specified period of time, check the following settings:

  1. The callback URL is the URL provided to the ecommpay specialists during integration.
  2. The URL is configured correctly to accept HTTP requests from the payment platform—The ecommpay IP addresses are in the whitelist and are not blocked by the firewall or other network devices.
  3. The payment request enables the function for sending callbacks—that is to say, it does not contain the parameter callback.force_disable with value 1.

If this does not help, and callbacks are still not received, contact the ecommpay technical support specialists. Make sure you provide the project ID and the corresponding callback URL.