Payment model

The ecommpay payment platform is used for processing payments. A payment in the payment platform is a set of tasks to transfer funds between the merchant and their customer. It can be a transfer of funds from the customer to the merchant (purchase), or from the merchant to the customer (payout). Refunds are processed within the purchase and, therefore, are not considered a separate payment type. However, payments also include payment instrument verification that can involve transferring a zero amount or placing a hold on the customer account for a specified amount and subsequent cancellation of this holding.

There are several ways to initialise a payment. You can send an HTTP request by using the Gate or the Payment Page API or perform certain actions in the Dashboard interface. Besides, payments can be initiated with the use of other tools for working with the payment platform, such as a Telegram bot.

If a request to perform a payment is successfully accepted for processing, in the payment platform the payment object and the first (or the only one) operation object associated with this payment are created.

Figure 1. The relationship diagram for requests, payments, and operations

When the payment takes more that one operation, normally the merchant needs to send the request for initiating each subsequent operation. However, in some cases, the payment platform automatically initiates the subsequent operation, for example, automatic debit operations performed as part of a COF purchase.

General information about processing payments via the ecommpay payment platform is provided in the Payment processing section, while technical information is provided in the sections with information about the platform's interfaces.