What's new

This section describes updates to the documentation. Here you can find updates of the last few months, and the earlier updates can be found in the archive. Each record contains a date, a section name, and a short description of the update.

March 2025

Date Section Description
26.03.2025 Payment Page Removed outdated information.
26.03.2025 Methods Revised information about working with the Apple Pay payment method.
20.03.2025 Dashboard Revised examples of code in the Retrieving data article.
18.03.2025 Gate
  • Made revision to the article about payment link purchases and added updated illustrations.
  • Updated the Gate API specification: in version 3.32.9 removed the installment_count and installment_plan parameters.
18.03.2025 Payment Page
  • Updated illustrations in Overview and Quickstart as well as in the articles of UX configuration.
  • Made edits to articles describing working with the language_code parameter.
18.03.2025 Platform Added information about the contract registration operation to the article about payment link purchases.
05.03.2025 Methods Updated information about working with the Direct Debit BACS and Direct Debit SEPA payment methods—partial refunds are no longer supported.
03.03.2025 Methods Added information about working with the newly supported payment method iDeal.
03.03.2025 Dashboard Updated file template for mass payments processing.

February 2025

Date Section Description
28.02.2025 Xero integration Added information about the default timeframes for different synchronisation time periods (details).
28.02.2025 Payment Page Updated information about the customisation options for the 5th generation payment form, including the options of adding the background image and using the built-in CSS editor (details).
28.02.2025 Payment Page Updated the names of the browsers that can be used for working with the payment form.
21.02.2025 Xero integration Added instructions for dealing with Xero's limits on the number of connected third-party applications for integration with the Xero platform (details).
10.02.2025 Xero integration Added the article about the ecommpay web application for integrating with the Xero platform (details).
10.02.2025 All sections Made minor edits to different articles.

January 2025

Date Section Description
31.01.2025 Methods Added the article about working with the Buy Now Pay Later payment method.
31.01.2025 Gate Updated the Gate API specification: in version 3.32.8 added the /v2/payment/bnpl/humm/sale endpoint.
31.01.2025 Payment Page Updated the article about parameters used for opening Payment Page: revised and expanded descriptions of parameters as well as supported the option of reading the article in full or short version.
31.01.2025 Homepage Made minor edits to the appearance of the page.
23.01.2025 Payment Page Updated the article about integration using a microframe solution: added information about the capability of processing purchases made with saved cards.
21.01.2025 Payment Page Updated the information about working with the mobile SDKs (with the user interface by ecommpay): the minimum iOS version is set to 15.6 (details).
15.01.2025 Methods Added the articles about working with the MBWay and Swish payment methods.
15.01.2025 Payment Page Updated article about using the ecommpay Payments plug-in for the WordPress CMS: provided information about working with the plug-in version 4.0 (details).