Using plug-in from ecommpay for Magento CMS


This article covers the information about using the payment plug-in from ecommpay version 1.1.0. This plug-in version can be used in web services that are based on the Magento CMS version 2.2 or later and allows opening the Payment Page payment form of ecommpay for customers and ensuring all necessary actions for payment processing.

The plug-in from ecommpay allows opening the Payment Page payment form of ecommpay for customers and ensuring all necessary actions for payment processing with regard to the interaction Overviewwith both customers and the ecommpay payment platform (with all necessary information sent and received).

General information


With the plug-in from ecommpay, the following is available:

  • Setting up the capability to open the Payment Page payment form of ecommpay in the web service.

    For this, you only need to install the plug-in from ecommpay and set up its usage in the Magento CMS interface.

  • Setting up the usage of separate payment methods available in the merchant's project.

    You can do this directly via the corresponding accordion items in the Magento interface. Technically, for using different payment methods, you may need to either configure a minimum of the plug-in parameters or take no actions at all, while all organisational issues can be resolved in cooperation with the ecommpay account manager.

  • Testing the operation of the payment form and the capabilities of payment processing.

    For initial testing, you can just use the plug-in test mode (with no additional actions required), while for deeper testing, you can get a test project in the ecommpay payment platform (by leaving an application on the company's main site).

  • Processing one-time one-step purchases.

    For this, you use the methods that support the corresponding payment type.

  • Issuing partial and full refunds for purchases, which were processed with the help of the plug-in, as part of the work with methods for which refunds are supported.

    For this, you can use the Magento interface and, if relevant, interfaces of the ecommpay payment platform (the user interface Dashboard and the Gate API). Along with that, when using the interfaces of the ecommpay payment platform, payment information in the Magento interface is updated only if conditions for sending callbacks from the payment platform have been configured (details).

  • Monitoring the information about payments processed with the help of the plug-in.

    For this, you can use the Magento interface and if relevant—the Dashboard interface from ecommpay. Along with that, it should be considered that in situations when refunds are made via Gate or Dashboard, the information may not be updated in the Magento interface.

  • Managing orders with related purchases processed with the help of the plug-in—via the Magento interface.

    This includes cancelling these orders and changing their statuses manually (if necessary).

  • Configuring the parameters of the Payment Page operation and adjusting the form to the web service specifics, as well as using various capabilities provided by ecommpay.

    Particularly, you can use the payment confirmation procedure when working with Open Banking methods and set up sending notifications to customers about the purchased goods and services (details). To have these capabilities set up, contact the ecommpay technical support specialists.

Such a wide range of capabilities allows you to adjust to various business specifics, flexibly configure user scenarios, and ensure a high rate of the payment form conversion and payment acceptance. For setting up and using the capabilities provided by ecommpay, refer to the technical documentation on this portal and, if necessary, contact the ecommpay specialists.


The following diagram illustrates the workflow of executing purchases with the use of the plug-in from ecommpay. The workflow involves the customer, the merchant's web service with the built-in plug-in, the Payment Page payment form, the payment platform, and the payment environment. On the web service side, the opening of Payment Page is requested and automatic interaction with the payment platform is carried out in accordance with the plug-in parameters.

Figure 3. The purchase processing steps with the use of the plug-in
  1. On the web service side, the customer opens the checkout page and selects a purchase method available via the plug-in from ecommpay.
  2. The request for opening the Payment Page payment form is automatically generated and sent to the payment platform via the plug-in, with regards to the method selected by the customer.
  3. The request for opening Payment Page is received in the payment platform.
  4. The request is processed in the payment platform and checked for correctness.
  5. The necessary actions are performed on the payment platform side to prepare either for displaying the payment form or for redirecting the customer to a third-party service, in accordance with the parameters for opening the payment form.
  6. The payment form is displayed to the customer or the customer is redirected to a third-party service—depending on the selected payment method.
  7. The customer completes the required actions for purchase and confirms the purchase.
  8. The final purchase request (with all necessary data) is received in the platform. In case of redirecting the customer to a third-party service, the final request can be received at step 5.
  9. The request is sent to the payment environment.
  10. The request is processed in the payment environment, and if necessary, additional actions are performed on the side of the platform and the customer (for example, for the 3‑D Secure authentication).
  11. The purchase result information is sent from the payment environment to the payment platform.
  12. The callback with the purchase result information is sent from the payment platform to the web service. The callback is automatically processed with the help of the plug-in, thus an invoice is generated and payment information is updated in the Magento interface.
  13. The purchase result information is sent from the payment platform to Payment Page.
  14. The purchase result information is displayed to the customer in the payment form.

There are the two options for working within the provided general workflow:

  • with the payment form embedded directly in the web service interface (in an iframe element);
  • with the payment form opened in a modal window or in a separate tab.

The first of these options, as part of working with the given plug-in version, is available only for purchases with the direct use of payment cards and is used for such purchases by default. In case of the firstthis option, the customer specifies payment card credentials and confirms the order, which is generated in the Magento CMS, and the payment, which is initiated in the ecommpay platform, directly on the web service page for proceeding to payment (using the Place Order button).

The second of these options, as part of working with the given plug-in version, is used for all alternative payment methods and for purchases with the direct use of payment cards if these purchases are made with the payment form opened in a modal window or a separate tab. In case of the secondthis option, the customer first confirms the order, which is generated in the Magento CMS, on the web service page for proceeding to payment (using the Place Order button) and only after that specifies the necessary data in the payment form and confirms the payment, which is initiated in the ecommpay platform, (using the Pay button).

Additionally, the second option allows for cases when the customer confirms the order but does not proceed to payment. In such cases, orders in the Pending Payment status appear in the web service with no purchases initiated for these orders. As to the rest, the work with orders and the corresponding payments is the same for both options.

You can monitor the information about orders and payments via the Magento interface: in the Orders subsection of the Sales section. Orders and statuses have different identifiers and statuses. Orders on the web service side are assigned nine-digit numbers (for example, 000001503) and statuses used by Magento (details), while payments on the payment platform side are assigned identifiers that consist of the prefix mag_ and a code of thirteen characters (for example, mag_64ca3135cffd3) and statuses used by ecommpay (details). With questions about the statues of payments and orders, contact the ecommpay account manager.


To start using the plug-in version 1.1.0 from ecommpay for the Magento CMS, you need to install the plug-in after downloading its zip file from GitHub.

To install the plug-in, proceed as follows:

  1. Unzip the folder with the plug-in files and add it to the folder with the source code of the web service built on the Magento CMS—specifically, to the app/code subfolder.

    If before the plug-in installation, one of its earlier versions has been used and not deleted, the folder with the files of this version should be deleted from the folder with the web service source code before the folder with the new version will be added.

    Also note that, depending on the structure of the folder with the web service source code, additional actions may be required for connecting to this folder (for example, connecting via the SSH protocol).

  2. Execute the following commands from the root folder with the source code of the web service and wait for the installation completion.
    php bin/magento indexer:reindex 
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento cache:flush
    php bin/magento cache:clean
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy



For testing the plug-in operation and processing test payments without actual debiting of funds, there are the following options available:

  • Testing in the plug-in test mode. This is the option to carry out local basic testing of the payment form operation and separate scenarios card paymentswithout connecting to the ecommpay payment platform. It allows you to promptly check the payment form operation and separate scenarios of card payments. In this mode, the identifiers of test payments contain the code word test and the domain name of the web service (for example, test_mysite_mag_64ca3135cffd3). This can be convenient for monitoring the processing of payments.
  • Testing in the test environment of the ecommpay payment platform. This is the option to carry out integrated and fully-featured testing after connecting to the ecommpay payment platform and setting up its components. You can connect to the platform within a few minutes by using the corresponding form on the company's main site and the received identifier and key of the test project. In this case, the plug-in is switched to the production mode and allows you to test a greater number of payment scenarios, including payments via alternative methods available for testing (details). All payments remain not real (although, their identifiers do not contain the code word test and the domain name of the web service).

To compare the two testing options, refer to the following table.

Testing capabilities in the plug-in test mode in the test environment of the platform
Opening the payment form using various options and parameters of its operation + +
Processing one-time purchases + +
Using alternative payment methods (as coordinated with the ecommpay specialists) +
Using addition capabilities of the Payment Page payment form (as coordinated with the ecommpay specialists) +
Issuing refunds + +
Monitoring payment information + +
Managing orders + +

Regardless of the selected testing option (in the test mode or via the test environment of ecommpay), the plug-in is connected to the web service and becomes available to customers as the payment option. Thus, Regardless of the selected testing option, in cases when the plug-in is connected to a web service that operates in live mode, it is recommended to ensure that testing takes place during a low-load period and notify the customers about the ongoing testing activities.

Parameters setup

To prepare the plug-in for testing, decide on the preferable testing option and set up the plug-in in the Magento interface as follows:

  1. Go to the plug-in parameters in the Magento interface.

    For this, proceed as follows:

    1. Select the Stores section in the navigation menu and the Configuration item in the menu that appears.
    2. Select the Sales section and the Payment Methods item in the left menu of the Configuration subsection.
    3. Find the section with the plug-in operation parameters on the page that opens and click the Configure button.
  2. Set up the basic parameters of the plug-in operation in the accordion item General settings:
    • Plugin Enabled—the feature for enabling the plug-in in the web service.

      If this parameter is set to Yes, then all payment methods previously enabled for working via the plug-in become available in the web service. If the parameter is set to No, then all payment methods are disabled in the web service and unavailable for payment processing.

    • Demo mode—the feature for switching the plug-in operation mode.

      For using the test mode of the plug-in, set the Yes value, for using the test environment of the platform—set the No value and specify the parameters for connecting to the test environment received from ecommpay in the fields Project ID and Secret Key.

      Note: When the plug-in test mode is enabled, the values specified in the fields Project ID and Secret Key are ignored. Thus, to use the project of the ecommpay payment platform, you should disable the plug-in test mode.
    • Project ID—the test project identifier.
    • Secret Key—the test project key for interacting with the platform.
    • Language—the language in which the payment form is displayed.
    • Additional parameters—additional parameters for opening payment form. When specifying several parameters in this field, use the & symbol as a separator.
    Figure 4. The accordion item General settings with basic parameters for setup
  3. Set up the parameters for using payment methods (details).

    Working in the test mode of the plug-in, you only need to set up the parameters for card payments in either of the accordion items—Card payments or More payment methods via ecommpay.

  4. Save the parameters of the plug-in operation.

    For this, click the Save Config button.

Processing test purchases

When testing the plug-in operation, you can process test purchases in the web service and obtain basic information about them via the Magento interface. in the Orders subsection of the Sales section. Along with that, you can use special payment credentials that allow testing particular payment scenarios.

To test card payments, you can use the numbers of test cards. For testing according to the shortest scenarios (without the emulation of the 3‑D Secure authentication), the following numbers of cards can be used:

  • 4000 0000 0000 0077—for a purchase to be processed;
  • 4111 1111 1111 1111—for a purchase to be declined.

For more comprehensive testing, it is possible to use extended test data for card payments (details). (including scenarios with the 3‑D Secure authentication) provided in the Test cards article.

To test payments using alternative payment methods (with these methods set up through an account manager or the technical support specialists in the test environment of payment platform), you can use the information provided in the Testing article and in the sections about testing particular payment methods.

Processing test refunds

After processing test purchases, you can make test refunds. For this, you can use the Magento interface as well as the Gate and Dashboard interfaces from ecommpay. Along with that, refunds are available for all methods set up for the merchant's project except for methods for which refunds are not supported in the payment platform (for example, the Sofort method or Open Banking methods). Information provided in this subsection is also relevant for issuing refunds in the life mode.

In case of refunds via the payment platform interfaces, for payment information to be automatically updated in the Magento interface, ensure that, for the project in use, the settings of callbacks to be sent from the payment platform to the web service URL have been configured. The callbacks should be sent to the web service URL specified in the following format https://<merchant domain>/ecommpay/endpayment/index. Along with that, it is important that, for a single payment type, there are no several sets of conditions with the same values of event types and payment method codes set up. Otherwise, the plug-in logs display error messages related to processing of callbacks received from the payment platform. The information about working with callback settings is provided in the corresponding article of the documentation.

In case of refunds via the Magento interface, the records with the information about these refunds (credit memos) are generated in this interface. You can view such records via the Credit Memos section in separate order tabs, while more detailed information about refunds can be obtained via the interfaces of the ecommpay payment platform (for example, Dashboard and Data API).

Notice: When the information about a payment processed within a particular order is received from the ecommpay platform in the web service, an invoice is automatically generated for this order in the Magento interface (the information about this invoice is provided in the Invoices section in the order tab). Before the invoice is generated, the capability of making refunds within the corresponding order via the Magento interface is unavailable.

Keep in mind that refunds can be made in case if orders in the Magento interface have the statuses Processing or Complete and if payments in the ecommpay payment platform have the statuses success, partially reversed, or partially refunded.

To make a refund via the Magento interface, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the orders register.

    For this, open the Sales section and select the Orders item in the menu that appears.

  2. Select the order that should be refunded, select the Invoices item in the left menu of the order tab, and click the Credit Memo button in the upper menu of the invoice page.
  3. Specify the number of the items that should be returned and, if necessary, click the Update Qty's button for updating the refund amount on the page for making refunds—New Memo.
  4. If necessary, specify the reason for the refund in the Credit Memo Comments field.
  5. Confirm the refund.

    For this, click the Refund button.

  6. Ensure that the order history contains the information about the made refund.

    In case of a partial refund, the order is assigned the status Processing, while in case of a full refund, it is assigned the status Closed.

Figure 5. The order tab in the Magento interface


General information

In order to process payments with actual debiting of funds, you should initially solve all organisational issues related to the interaction with ecommpay (submit the application for connecting to the payment platform, provide all necessary information, and receive a notification from ecommpay about the possibility to process payments, as well as the identifier and secret key of the production project). Along with that, it is necessary to provide the ecommpay technical support specialists with the name and URL of the web service for which the plug-in from ecommpay is set up and the currency in which payments are to be processed.

After that, you can switch the plug-in to the production mode, specify the received identifier and secret key of the production project received from ecommpay in the parameters of the plug-in operation and set up other necessary parameters. (or check whether the current setup is relevant for working in real-life conditions). If, after the setup, you need to suspend the plug-in operation, for example, to test some additional features, the plug-in can be switched to the test mode or disabled.

Warning: Starting August 12, 2024, Visa Rules will be updated to expand the data set mandatory for processing Visa card payments with the 3‑D Secure authentication. To submit these data, use the fields for collecting the customer's phone number or email on the checkout page.

Setup of the parameters for one-time purchases

To set up the plug-in for processing one-time purchases, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the plug-in parameters in the Magento interface.

    For this, proceed as follows:

    1. Select the Stores section in the navigation menu and the Configuration item in the menu that appears.
    2. Select the Sales section and the Payment Methods item in the left menu of the Configuration subsection.
    3. Find the section with the plug-in operation parameters on the page that opens and click the Configure button.
  2. Set up the basic parameters of the plug-in operation in the accordion item General settings:
    • Plugin Enabled—the feature for enabling the plug-in in the web service.

      If this parameter is set to Yes, then all payment methods previously enabled for working via the plug-in become available in the web service. If the parameter is set to No, then all payment methods are disabled in the web service and unavailable for payment processing.

    • Demo mode—the feature for switching the plug-in operation mode.

      For using the production environment of the platform, set the No value and specify the parameters for connecting to the production environment received from ecommpay in the fields Project ID and Secret Key.

    • Project ID—the test project identifier.
    • Secret Key—the test project key for interacting with the platform.
    • Language—the language in which the payment form is displayed.
    • Additional parameters—additional parameters for opening payment form. When specifying several parameters in this field, use the & symbol as a separator.
    Figure 6. The accordion item General settings with basic parameters for setup
  3. Set up the parameters for using payment methods (details).
  4. Save the parameters of the plug-in operation.

    For this, click the Save Config button.

Issuing refunds

After processing test purchases, you can make test refunds. For this, you can use the Magento interface as well as the Gate and Dashboard interfaces from ecommpay. Along with that, refunds are available for all methods set up for the merchant's project except for methods for which refunds are not supported in the payment platform (for example, the Sofort method or Open Banking methods). All capabilities and procedures of working with refunds in the life mode correspond to those available in the test mode.

In case of refunds via the payment platform interfaces, for payment information to be automatically updated in the Magento interface, ensure that, for the project in use, the settings of callbacks to be sent from the payment platform to the web service URL have been configured. The callbacks should be sent to the web service URL specified in the following format https://<merchant domain>/ecommpay/endpayment/index. Along with that, it is important that, for a single payment type, there are no several sets of conditions with the same values of event types and payment method codes set up. Otherwise, the plug-in logs display error messages related to processing of callbacks received from the payment platform. The information about working with callback settings is provided in the corresponding article of the documentation.

In case of refunds via the Magento interface, the records with the information about these refunds (credit memos) are generated in this interface. You can view such records via the Credit Memos section in separate order tabs, while more detailed information about refunds can be obtained via the interfaces of the ecommpay payment platform (for example, Dashboard and Data API). Along with that, note that, in case of refunds made via the payment platform interfaces or manually (in cash or by other means, without the refund information registered in the platform), the statuses of payments and orders in the Magento interface remain unchanged. In such cases, it is recommended to register refund information in the Magento interface using the Refund Offline button (on the page for making refunds—New Memo).

Notice: When the information about a payment processed within a particular order is received from the ecommpay platform in the web service, an invoice is automatically generated for this order in the Magento interface (the information about this invoice is provided in the Invoices section in the order tab). Before the invoice is generated, the capability of making refunds within the corresponding order via the Magento interface is unavailable.

Keep in mind that refunds can be made in case if orders in the Magento interface have the statuses Processing or Complete and if payments in the ecommpay payment platform have the statuses success, partially reversed, or partially refunded.

In order to make a refund, via the Magento interface, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the orders register.

    For this, open the Sales section and select the Orders item in the menu that appears.

  2. Select the order that should be refunded, select the Invoices item in the left menu of the order tab, and click the Credit Memo button in the upper menu of the invoice page.
  3. Specify the number of the items that should be returned and, if necessary, click the Update Qty's button for updating the refund amount on the page for making refunds—New Memo.
  4. If necessary, specify the reason for the refund in the Credit Memo Comments field.
  5. Confirm the refund.

    For this, click the Refund button.

  6. Ensure that the order history contains the information about the made refund.

    In case of a partial refund, the order is assigned the status Processing, while in case of a full refund, it is assigned the status Closed.

Monitoring payments and orders

Information about orders, including basic information about payments processed via the plug-in from ecommpay, can be monitored in the Magento interface, via the tools of the Orders subsection in the Sales section. More detailed information about payments and refunds can be obtained via the Dashboard interface of ecommpay (although the information about orders is not displayed in the interface).

Note: Note that, in some cases, the Magento interface can lack up-to-date information, particularly when refunds have been made via Gate or Dashboard. In such situations, payment information can be obtained via the tools of the ecommpay payment platform (such as Dashboard and the Data API).

The Orders subsection contains an orders register with main details about every order and with the capabilities of searching and filtering data, as well as opening the tabs of separate orders and performing various actions related to the them.

Figure 7. The Orders register in the Magento interface

Clicking on an order's entry leads you to the order's tab containing To open a tab of a particular order, click on the order's entry in the register. The tabs contain the details about orders (such as the date of creation, the status, the amount of the order and the shipping address) as well as basic information about payments and other data. The order tab consist of the following sections:

  • Order & Account Information—with the information about an order and a customer.
  • Address Information—with the information about the billing and shipping address of the customer.
  • Payment & Shipping Method—with the basic information about a payment shipping method.
  • Items Ordered—with the information about purchased products.
Figure 8. The order tab in the Magento interface

More detailed information about working with orders in the Magento interface is provided in the Magento documentation.

Parameters for using payment methods

When working with the plug-in from ecommpay, in the Magento interface, you can set up the usage of various payment methods available in the merchant's project. You can do this via separate accordion items on the page with the plug-in operation parameters by specifying the following parameters:Card payments (with parameters for card payments) and Alternative payment settings (with parameters for using alternative methods). The latter contains another accordion item More payment methods via ecommpay in which you can set up the usage of all methods available in the project—this can be relevant in case of working with methods for which no separate parameters are allocated in the plug-in operation parameters.

Notice: The accordion items displayed by default cannot be removed from the plug-in operation parameters even if the corresponding methods are not used in the project. If other methods are needed, their usage can be set up only via the More payment methods via ecommpay accordion item once the ecommpay technical support specialists enable these methods in the project upon the merchant's request.

The accordion items for payment methods setup contain the following parameters:

  • General parameters:
    • Enabled—the feature for enabling a payment method to work via the plug-in.

      To enable a method, set the value Yes, to disable a method, set the value No.

    • Title—the payment method name displayed on the checkout page in the web service.
    • Show Description—the feature for displaying the text from the Description parameter.
    • Description—the text displayed to the customers when they select a certain payment method.
    • Sort Order—the number that indicates the order in which the payment method available via the plug-in from ecommpay is displayed on the checkout page in the web service.

      For a payment method to be displayed first on the list of methods, specify the value 0 or leave the field blank. Along with that, if a payment method is disabled in the web service, its place on the list of methods is taken by the payment method with the next number. If the 0 value is specified or the Sort Order field is left blank for several methods, the order in which these methods are displayed reflects the order of the accordion items with the parameters for using these methods.

  • Parameters used only in the Card payments accordion item:
    • Display mode—the option for opening the Payment Page payment form.

      One of the following options can be selected:

      • Redirect—opening as a separate HTML page;
      • Popup—opening in a modal window;
      • Embedded—opening in an iframe element
        Note: After installing the plug-in or updating its version, this option is set up by default.

      If the payment form is opened in an iframe element (the Embedded option), then, when the customer selects to make the purchase using a payment card, the Payment Page payment form is displayed in the section with payment options on the checkout page, is adapted to the standard checkout page design in the web service, and does not contain the button for confirming the purchase. In this payment form, the customer can select the payment card credentials (if they were saved earlier) or specify them and then confirm the purchase by using the checkout button on the web service page. When selecting other payment methods, the customer is redirected to subsequent pages.

      Figure 9. Example of opening the Payment Page payment form on the checkout page
    Figure 10. The accordion item Card payments with parameters for card payments
  • The parameter used only in the More payment methods via ecommpay accordion item:
    • Payment method code—the code of a payment method used as the only additional one (in relation to the methods which are set up via separate accordion items).
      • Without this parameter used, when the customer selects a purchase method in the web service interface, they can select the More payment methods option, proceed to the payment form, and select one of the methods available for the payment being initiated in the ecommpay platform. Along with that, all methods from ecommpay that can be selected directly in the web service (together with the More payment methods option) become available in the payment form.
      • With this parameter containing the code of one of the available methods (taken from the reference), when the customer selects a purchase method in the web service interface, among other available methods, they can select the one specified via the code and proceed to paying via this method without selecting any other methods in the payment form. To prevent issues that may be triggered by such a selection, alongside the payment method code, the name of the method should also be specified in this section (in the Title field).
      Note: Since in the plug-in test mode, it is possible to process only card purchases, the work of the More payment methods via ecommpay accordion item in this mode can be tested only for the card method.
    Figure 11. The accordion item More payment methods via ecommpay with parameters for using all payment methods