Managing projects


Dashboard interface allows you to view and configure individual settings of your projects in the Projects section. This section can be accessed with a separate set of permissions provided by default to user accounts with the assigned Merchant Admin role. In addition, user accounts with access rights of other roles can be permitted to view the information in this section (more).

Figure 1. Project information card

In the Projects section you can find cards with information about individual projects. In each, you can switch between the following tabs:

  • General—to view general information about the project and work with the secret key required for accepting MO/TO payments via Dashboard
  • Payment methods—to view supported payment methods with the option to request enabling Apple Pay and PayPal
  • Redirect URLs—to set up URLs that redirect customers to the web service when Payment Page is used (learn more)
  • Callbacks—to configure callback settings
  • Payment Page Designer—to customise the appearance of the payment form (learn more)
Note: The Payment Page Designer tab is not displayed if Dashboard is opened on mobile devices.

Keep in mind that you cannot create or delete projects in Dashboard. To do so, contact your ecommpay account manager.

The guidelines on how to work with callbacks are provided in the following section.

Working with callback settings


In case of payment processing via the ecommpay payment platform, callbacks are sent to the merchant's web service to communicate different kinds of information: for example, to notify where to redirect customers or to deliver results of performing an operation. The description of the callback structure and the information on how to work with callbacks can be found in Callbacks.

Callbacks can be sent to the URLs that merchants provide at the time of integration and the URLs specified via Dashboard. Using the tools of the Projects section, you can configure an unlimited number of callbacks in each case determining the specific event that will trigger a certain callback and specifying the URL to which this callback will be sent. Along with that, in this section you can view the list of all callbacks with their specific settings regardless of whether they were configured at the time of integration or added via Dashboard. You can also manage previously configured settings of standard callbacks: they can be activated, deactivated, and deleted.

In case of payment processing via the ecommpay payment platform, callbacks are sent to the merchant's web service. The description of the callback structure and the information on how to work with callbacks can be found in Callbacks. In Dashboard, using the tools of the Projects section, you can configure an unlimited number of callbacks, view the list of all callbacks with their specific settings, and manage previously configured settings of standard callbacks: they can be activated, deactivated, and deleted.

Figure 2. Callback configuration tools

Callback settings structure and configuration specifics

For each callback, you configure a set of conditions that determine the event that triggers this callback and the URL it is sent to. You can specify the payment type, the event type (Result type in Dashboard), and the payment method. Each of these parameters can have only one value. You can select the following values:

  • Payment types purchase, recurring, payout, account verification, and all (that includes all types listed here).
  • Event types success, decline, tokenize, refund, recurring, error, and all (that includes all types listed here).
  • IDs of the payment methods supported for the project. The parameter field can also be left blank (to include all supported payment methods).

At the same time, when configuring callbacks via Dashboard, keep in mind that:

  • The list shows configured callbacks for all payment and event types specified above. However, settings of callbacks with custom formats can be configured and managed only by the ecommpay support specialists.
  • Callbacks configured for purchase payments are triggered both by one-step purchases and two-step purchases, therefore, such callbacks are shown separately in the list—for payment types purchase (one-step) and purchase_dms (two-step). If necessary, redundant callbacks can be deleted.
  • Configuring callbacks for the error event type is supported only when all is selected in the payment type field.
  • If one set of conditions applies to several callbacks sent to different URLs, then identical callbacks will be sent to all of these URLs with no specific order of preference and no regard to the stage at which these URLs were provided (at the time of integration or via Dashboard).

    For example, in case of callbacks with IDs 96071 and 96081 shown in the illustration below, every time a scheduled debiting occurs as part of the registered COF purchase, the callbacks are sent to each of the specified URLs since this condition applies to both of the configured callbacks.

  • When you deactivate or delete a configured callback with a certain set of conditions, either of the following will happen: if there are other active callbacks with identical settings, the callbacks will continue to be sent to the URLs specified in the configured settings of these callbacks; otherwise, callbacks will no longer be sent if this specific event takes place.

Configuring and managing callbacks

To add a new callback and to configure its settings,

  1. Select the project you need.

    Go to Projects and select the required project in the Your projects dropdown list on the settings tab.

  2. Open the Callbacks tab on the left of the project information card.
  3. Specify conditions that will trigger a callback in accordance with the callback settings application aspects described above.
  4. Save the configured settings of the callback.
    Note: If the Save button is not enabled, it means that either certain required information is missing or the provided URL is invalid.

To activate or deactivate a configured callback, use the Status toggle switch in the corresponding row of the list.

To delete a configured callback, click the button in the corresponding row of the list and confirm the action.