Hong Kong FPS QR



Hong Kong FPS QR is a payment method which allows to process payments in Hong Kong dollars and Chinese yuan by using bank accounts in Hong Kong. This method supports purchases.

This article provides information about working with the Hong Kong FPS QR method: general insights are presented in the Overview section, while information about the actions required to process payments and perform other actions is presented in the sections that follow.

General information

Payment method type QR code payments
Payment instruments bank accounts
Countries and regions HK
Payment currencies HKD, CNY
Currency conversion
One-time purchases +
Credential-on-file purchases
Full refunds
Partial refunds
Special considerations
Obtaining access to the payment method and access fee refer to your ecommpay key account manager

Interaction diagram

Payment processing by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method involves the merchant's web service, one of ecommpay interfaces, the ecommpay payment platform, and technical facilities of the provider service.

Operations support

Various platform interfaces can be used to process payments and perform operations using the Hong Kong FPS QR method. Purchases can be processed by using Payment Page, Gate and Dashboard (using payment links). At the same time, regardless of the interfaces used, the following limitations are applicable.

When working with the Hong Kong FPS QR the following limitations are applicable.

Amounts, HKD
minimum maximum
Purchases 10,000.00

Processing scenarios

To perform a purchase by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method, the customer needs to scan QR code by using a mobile banking application.

The customer payment scenario via Payment Page (in the basic case where the customer chooses the method and is redirected from the final page of the payment form to the web service) looks like this.

General scenarios of processing purchases can be presented as follows.

Purchases by using Payment Page

General information

To process a purchase through Payment Page by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method, the merchant's web service is required to send a request with all required parameters and signature to the ecommpay URL and receive a callback with the result. The full sequence and special aspects of purchase processing are provided below.

Figure 9. Purchase processing by using Payment Page: step-by-step description
  1. A customer initiates a purchase in the web service.
  2. The web service sends the request for opening Payment Page to the specified ecommpay URL.
  3. The request for opening Payment Page is sent to the payment platform.
  4. The payment platform receives the request and validates the required parameters and signature.
  5. Payment Page is generated based on the project and request parameters.
  6. Payment Page is displayed to the customer.
  7. The customer selects the Hong Kong FPS QR method.
  8. The request for processing the payment by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method is received by the payment platform.
  9. The payment platform processes the request.
  10. The data for displaying the payment instructions is sent from the payment platform to Payment Page.
  11. The payment instructions are displayed to the customer.
  12. The customer completes all required payment steps.
  13. The purchase is processed in the provider service.
  14. The provider service sends a notification about the result to the payment platform.
  15. The payment platform sends the payment result callback to the web service.
  16. The payment platform sends the result information to Payment Page.
  17. The result information is displayed to the customer on Payment Page.

Information about the formats of requests and callbacks used for processing payments by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method via Payment Page is presented further in this section; general information about working with the Payment Page API is presented in Interaction concepts.

Request format

There are several things you need to consider when using the Hong Kong FPS QR method:

  1. The following parameters required for any payment must be specified:
    • project_id—project identifier obtained from ecommpay during integration
    • payment_id—payment identifier unique within the project
    • payment_currency—payment currency code in the ISO-4217 alpha-3 format
    • payment_amount—payment amount in the smallest currency unit
    • customer_id—customer identifier unique within the project
  2. The following parameters required for any payment must be specified: project_id, payment_id, payment_currency, payment_amount, customer_id.
  3. The currency of payment can only be HKD or CNY.
  4. If you need to have the payment form displayed with the Hong Kong FPS QR method selected, set the force_payment_method parameter to hk-qr.
  5. Additionally, any other parameters available for working with Payment Page can be used (details).
  6. After all target parameters are specified, generate a signature (details).

Thus, a correct request for opening the payment form using the Hong Kong FPS QR method must contain the project identifier, basic payment information (identifier, amount, and currency code), customer identifier and signature.

   "project_id": 120,
   "payment_id": "580",
   "payment_amount": 1000,
   "payment_currency": "HKD",
   "customer_id": "customer1",
   "signature": "kUi2x9dKHAVNU0FYldOcZzUCwX6R\/ekpZhkIQg=="
Figure 10. Example of sufficient data in a purchase request
   "project_id": 120,
   "payment_id": "580",
   "payment_amount": 1000,
   "payment_currency": "HKD",
   "customer_id": "customer1",
   "signature": "kUi2x9dKHAVNU0FYldOcZzUCwX6R\/ekpZhkIQg=="

Callback format

The Hong Kong FPS QR method uses the standard format for callbacks to deliver purchase results. For more information, see Callbacks.

The following is the example of a callback with information about a 100.00 HKD purchase made in the 123 project.

Figure 11. Example of callback data indicating that the purchase has been processed
        "project_id": 123,
        "payment": {
            "id": "123123123",
            "type": "purchase",
            "status": "success",
            "date": "2021-04-26T08:40:29+0000",
            "method": "hk-qr",
            "sum": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "description": ""
        "customer": {
            "id": "customer1"
        "operation": {
            "id": 5205000010711,
            "type": "sale",
            "status": "success",
            "date": "2021-04-26T08:40:29+0000",
            "created_date": "2021-04-26T08:39:53+0000",
            "request_id": "23fdebfc248b0676209a5e0694487738a...08525",
            "sum_initial": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "sum_converted": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "code": "0",
            "message": "Success",
            "provider": {
                "id": 5161,
                "payment_id": "",
                "auth_code": ""
        "signature": "Dj2MN6VS9yDGrRAnJ5sMRnr/J4C7FPOl8...nLN08qIVqFA7pTlw=="

The following is the example of a callback with information about a declined purchase.

Figure 12. Example of callback data indicating that the purchase has been declined
        "project_id": 0123,
        "payment": {
            "id": "12341234",
            "type": "purchase",
            "status": "decline",
            "date": "2021-04-26T08:40:29+0000",
            "method": "hk-qr",
            "sum": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "description": ""
        "customer": {
            "id": "customer1"
        "operation": {
            "id": 4991000010711,
            "type": "sale",
            "status": "decline",
            "date": "2021-04-26T08:40:29+0000",
            "created_date": "2021-04-26T08:39:53+0000",
            "request_id": "3d12732e00fb397dbe99ad866e05ecfc...004992",
            "sum_initial": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "sum_converted": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "code": "20000",
            "message": "General decline",
            "provider": {
                "id": 5161,
                "payment_id": "",
                "auth_code": ""
        "signature": "LbcKUUDELHz8wxx56WCT0T/W00cC6rEAXax7u1kORhK32...wYqSekS6Kg=="

Useful links

The following articles can be useful when implementing purchases via Payment Page:

Purchases by using Gate

General information

To process a purchase through Gate by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method, the merchant's web service is required to do the following:

  1. Send a request with all the required parameters and signature to the ecommpay URL.
  2. Receive an intermediate callback from the payment platform and display the payment instructions to the customer.
  3. Receive the final callback from the payment platform.

The full sequence and special aspects of purchase processing are provided below.

Figure 13. Purchase processing by using Gate: step-by-step description
  1. A customer initiates a purchase by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method in the web service.
  2. The web service sends the request for processing the purchase by using Gate to the specified ecommpay URL.
  3. The payment platform receives the request.
  4. The payment platform validates the required parameters and signature in the request.
  5. The payment platform sends the response to the web service with information about the receipt of the request and its validity (details).
  6. The payment platform performs further processing of the request (with parameter consistency check).
  7. The data for displaying the payment instructions is sent from the payment platform to the web service.
  8. The payment instructions are displayed to the customer.
  9. The customer completes all required payment steps.
  10. The purchase is processed in the provider service.
  11. The provider service sends the payment result notification to the payment platform.
  12. The payment platform sends the payment result callback to the web service.
  13. The customer receives the payment result information from the web service.

Information about the formats of requests and callbacks used for processing payments by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method via Gate is presented further in this section. General information about working with the Gate API is presented in Interaction concepts.

Request format

There are several things you need to consider when sending purchase requests by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method:

  1. To initiate each purchase, send a separate POST request to the /v2/payment/banks/hk-qr/sale endpoint. This endpoint belongs to the group /v2/payment/banks/{payment_method}/sale.
  2. Each request must include the following objects and parameters:
    • Object general—general purchase information:
      • project_id—project identifier obtained from ecommpay during integration
      • payment_id—payment identifier unique within the project
      • signature—request signature generated after all required parameters are specified (details—in the Signature generation and verification) (details)
    • Object payment—payment information:
      • amount—payment amount in the smallest currency unit
      • currency—payment currency code in the ISO-4217 alpha-3 format
    • Object customer—customer information:
      • id—customer identifier unique within the project
      • ip_address—customer IP address relevant for the initiated payment
  3. The currency of payment can only be HKD or CNY.
  4. Additionally, any other parameters included in the specification can be used.

Thus, a correct purchase request by using the Hong Kong FPS QR method must contain the project identifier, basic payment information (identifier, amount, and currency code), customer identifier and IP address, as well as signature.

    "general": {
      "project_id": 383000,
      "payment_id": "abc123456",
      "signature": "GINgwlggTvpF9AnkT8rUUVC7bmSCAaQlYc9...xI5vOA7w=="
    "customer": {
      "ip_address": "",
      "id": "123"
    "payment": {
      "amount": 10000,
      "currency": "HKD"
Figure 14. Example of sufficient data in a purchase request
    "general": {
      "project_id": 383000,
      "payment_id": "abc123456",
      "signature": "GINgwlggTvpF9AnkT8rUUVC7bmSCAaQlYc9...xI5vOA7w=="
    "customer": {
      "ip_address": "",
      "id": "123"
    "payment": {
      "amount": 10000,
      "currency": "HKD"

Formats of intermediate callbacks containing data for displaying payment instructions

To display the payment instructions to the customer, you must receive and process a callback from the payment platform containing the payment data in the in the display_data array and display the customer the payment instructions to the customer.

Along with the payment instructions, it is recommended to display to the customer the information about the expiration date for performing the required steps. If the customer does not confirm the payment prior to expiration of the spectified time, an error message is displayed.

The payment instructions to be displayed to the customer are provided below.

Payment instructions in Traditional Chinese Payment instructions in English
二維碼有效期 QR code expiration date
請下載二維碼並在網上銀行應用程序的二維碼掃描功能中使用 Please download the QR code and use it in the QR scan function of your online banking application
此二維碼僅供一次性掃描 For one-time use only

The array display_data contains the following parameters:

  • type—data type (the value is always qr_data)
  • title—title of the data which needs to be displayed to the customer (the value is always QR code)
  • data—string which contains the coded image of the QR code.

The following is the callback fragment containing the payment data.

"display_data": [
                "type": "qr_data",
                "title": "QR code",
                "data": "1213323442...523521424"

Final callback format

The Hong Kong FPS QR method uses the standard format for callbacks to deliver purchase results. For more information, see Callbacks.

The following is the example of a callback with information about a 100.00 HKD purchase made in the 456 project.

Figure 15. Example of callback data indicating that the purchase has been processed
        "project_id": 456,
        "payment": {
            "id": "123123123",
            "type": "purchase",
            "status": "success",
            "date": "2021-04-26T08:40:29+0000",
            "method": "hk-qr",
            "sum": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "description": ""
        "customer": {
            "id": "customer1"
        "operation": {
            "id": 5205000010711,
            "type": "sale",
            "status": "success",
            "date": "2021-04-26T08:40:29+0000",
            "created_date": "2021-04-26T08:39:53+0000",
            "request_id": "23fdebfc248b0676209a5e0694487738a...08525",
            "sum_initial": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "sum_converted": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "code": "0",
            "message": "Success",
            "provider": {
                "id": 5161,
                "payment_id": "",
                "auth_code": ""
        "signature": "Dj2MN6VS9yDGrRAnJ5sMRnr/J4C7FPOl8...nLN08qIVqFA7pTlw=="

The following is the example of a callback with information about a declined purchase.

Figure 16. Example of callback data indicating that the purchase has been declined
        "project_id": 0123,
        "payment": {
            "id": "12341234",
            "type": "purchase",
            "status": "decline",
            "date": "2021-04-26T08:40:29+0000",
            "method": "hk-qr",
            "sum": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "description": ""
        "customer": {
            "id": "customer1"
        "operation": {
            "id": 4991000010711,
            "type": "sale",
            "status": "decline",
            "date": "2021-04-26T08:40:29+0000",
            "created_date": "2021-04-26T08:39:53+0000",
            "request_id": "3d12732e00fb397dbe99ad866e05ecfc...004992",
            "sum_initial": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "sum_converted": {
                "amount": 10000,
                "currency": "HKD"
            "code": "20000",
            "message": "General decline",
            "provider": {
                "id": 5161,
                "payment_id": "",
                "auth_code": ""
        "signature": "LbcKUUDELHz8wxx56WCT0T/W00cC6rEAXax7u1kORhK32...wYqSekS6Kg=="

Useful links

The following articles can be useful when implementing purchases via Gate:

Analysis of payment results

To analyse information about payments made with the Hong Kong FPS QR method and other methods, you can use:

  • Dashboard interface toolkit with various lists and analytic panels.
  • Reports in CSV file format, available via the Reports section (one-time and periodically).
  • Data in JSON format, sent by program requests to a specified URL available by using the Data API interface.

If you have any questions, refer to the documentation (Dashboard and Using Data API) and ecommpay technical support.