Klarna is a payment method which allows to process payments by using bank transfers in different currencies in select European countries. When working with this method, different payment options are available on the provider side, with the ability to select one of the options in the Klarna service, on Payment Page or directly in the web service. This method supports purchases and refunds.
The features of the Klarna method include the fact that customers can choose payment options on the provider side: by paying the full amount at once, by installments or credit. By default, the option is chosen on the Klarna service side. At the same time, for any of the payment options, you can additionally enable the display of a separate button on Payment Page and the ability to specify the option when sending purchase requests, thereby improving the customer experience. Refer to your ecommpay key account manager for more information.
This article provides information about working with the Klarna method: general insights are presented in the Overview section, while information about the actions required to process payments and perform other actions is presented in the sections that follow.
General information
Payment method type | bank payments |
Payment instruments | bank accounts |
Countries and regions | AT, DE, DK, GB, FI, NL, NO, SE |
Payment currencies | DKK (for Denmark), EUR, GBP (for the UK), NOK (for Norway), SEK (for Sweden) |
Currency conversion | – |
One-time purchases | + |
Credential-on-file purchases | – |
Full refunds | + |
Partial refunds | + |
Payouts | – |
Chargebacks | – |
Notes | – |
Onboarding and access fee | refer to your ecommpay account manager |
Interaction diagram
Payment processing by using the Klarna method involves the merchant's web service, one of ecommpay interfaces, the ecommpay payment platform, and technical facilities of the provider service.
Operations support
Various platform interfaces can be used to process payments and perform operations using the Klarna method. Purchases can be processed by using Payment Page, Gate and Dashboard (using payment links), refunds—by using Gate and Dashboard. At the same time, regardless of the interfaces used, the following properties and limitations are applicable.
When working with the Klarna the following amount limits are applicable.
Amounts (in suppored currencies) ¹ | Times ² | |||
minimum | maximum | base | threshold | |
Purchases | 0.01 | * | 2 minutes | 48 hours |
Refunds | – | – | – | – |
- The maximum amounts depend on banks.
- The base and threshold times are defined as follows:
- The base time is the average estimated time between the moment a payment is initiated in the payment platform to the moment the payment result is sent to the web service. The base time evaluation is made on the assumption of normal operation of all technical facilities and communication channels and typical customer behaviour (if any input from the customer is required). Use the base time to estimate when to react to the absence of payment result callbacks or when to check payment status (details).
- The threshold time is the maximum possible time between the moment a payment is initiated in the payment platform to the moment the web service receives the callback with the payment result. A payment is automatically assigned the
status if it wasn't processed within the threshold time. For individual customisation of the threshold time limit, contact ecommpay technical support.
Processing scenarios
To perform a purchase by using the Klarna method, you need to redirect customer to the Klarna service, while to initiate a refund, you need to receive a request from the customer and notification from the web service side.
Scenarios for performing operations via the main interfaces of the payment platform correspond to those presented in the diagrams. Similarly, when additional features (such as payment links) are used, scenarios for performing operations also correspond to the specifics of those features.
Purchases by using Payment Page
General information
To process a purchase through Payment Page by using the Klarna method, the merchant web service is required to send a request with all required parameters and signature to the ecommpay URL and receive a callback with the result. The full sequence and special aspects of purchase processing are provided below.
- A customer initiates a purchase in the web service.
- The web service sends the request for opening Payment Page to the specified ecommpay URL.
- The request for opening Payment Page is sent to the payment platform.
- The payment platform receives the request and validates the required parameters and signature.
- Payment Page is generated based on the project settings and parameters specified in the request.
- Payment Page is displayed to the customer.
- The customer selects the Klarna method.
- The request for processing the payment by using the Klarna method is received by the payment platform.
- The payment platform processes the request and sends it to the Klarna service.
- The request is processed on the side of the provider service.
- The data for redirecting the customer to the provider service is sent from the provider service to the payment platform.
- The data for redirecting the customer is sent from the payment platform to Payment Page.
- The customer is redirected to the provider service.
- The customer completes all required payment steps.
- The purchase is processed on the side of the provider service.
- The result information is displayed to the customer in the provider service.
- The customer is redirected to Payment Page.
- The provider service sends a notification about the result to the payment platform.
- The payment platform sends the payment result callback to the web service.
- The payment platform sends the result information to Payment Page.
- The result information is displayed to the customer on Payment Page.
Information about the formats of requests and callbacks used for processing payments by using the Klarna method via Payment Page is presented further in this section; general information about working with the Payment Page API is presented in Interaction concepts.
Request format
There are several things you need to consider when sending purchase requests by using the Klarna method:
- The following parameters required for any payment must be specified:
—project identifier obtained from ecommpay during integrationpayment_id
—payment identifier unique within the projectpayment_currency
—payment currency code in the ISO-4217 alpha-3 formatpayment_amount
—payment amount in the smallest currency unitcustomer_id
—customer identifier unique within the project
- The following parameters required for any payment must be specified:
. - Additionally, it is required to specify the following parameters:
—customer first namebilling_email
—customer emailbilling_country
—the country code of the customer billing address, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 formatbilling_city
— the city of the customer billing addressbilling_address
— the customer billing address in the specified citybilling_postal
— the postal code of the specified billing addresscustomer_country
—the country code of the customer physical address, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
It is required to specify the list of purchased items and applicable taxes in the
parameter, the value of which consists of thepositions
array and thetotal_tax_amount
parameter. Thereceipt_data
must be encoded using the Base64 scheme.The
array must include at least one object containing the following parameters (for each position of goods or services):quantity
data type)—number of items or weight, if sold in bulk, as a single positionamount
data type)—amount paid by the customer for all goods or services in this position, in the smallest currency unitNotice: The total amount regarding all positions must be equal to the payment amount specified in thepayment_amount
data type)—description of sold goods or services
data type) must indicate the total amount of taxes applicable to all specified positions, this amount is included in the payment amount.For example, the following object
{ "positions": [ { "quantity":1, "amount":2000, "description":"First product" }, { "quantity":2, "amount":4000, "description":"Second product" } ], "total_tax_amount":1000 }
is specified as the value of the
Note: When processing payments by using the Klarna method the payment platform takes into account only the parameters that are described in this paragraph. If other parameters are specified as part of the list of purchased items (like when working with card payments, details), they are ignored when working with this method. - It is recommended that you specify the last name of the customer in the
parameter (to avoid errors during payment processing set the following value length—from 3 to 100 characters). If this parameter is missing, the payment form may display the input field for entering the missing value (details are available in Submission of additional payment information). - If you need to have the payment form displayed with the Klarna method selected, set the
parameter toklarna
. - If you need to preselect one of the payment options on the provider side, set the
parameter toklarna
and specify one of the following values of thepayment_methods_options
parameter:"{"account_type": "pay_now"}"
— for purchase by paying the full amount at once;"{"account_type": "bnpl"}"
— for purchase by installments (the maximum time period for completing the purchase is 30 days);"{"account_type": "financing"}"
— for purchase by credit.
- Additionally, any other parameters available for working with Payment Page can be used (details).
- After all target parameters are specified, create a signature (details).
Thus, a correct request for opening the payment form using the Klarna method must contain the project identifier, basic payment information (identifier, amount, and currency code), customer and receipt information, as well as signature.
{ "project_id": 120, "payment_id": "580", "payment_amount": 6000, "payment_currency": "EUR", "customer_id": "customer1", "billing_country": "AT", "billing_city": "Vienna", "billing_address": "Wiener Brauhausstraße 1", "billing_postal": "12345", "customer_country": "AT", "customer_first_name": "John", "customer_last_name": "Johnson", "customer_email": "customer@example.com", "receipt_data": "ewogICAgICAgICJwb3NpdGlvbnMiOiBbCiAgICAgICAgICAgIHsKICAgICAgICA gICAgICAgICJxdWFudGl0eSI6MSwKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICJhbW91bnQiOjIwMDAsCiA gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiJGaXJzdCBwcm9kdWN0IgogICAgICAgICA gICB9LAogICAgICAgICAgICB7CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAicXVhbnRpdHkiOjIsCiAgICA gICAgICAgICAgICAiYW1vdW50Ijo0MDAwLAogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgImRlc2NyaXB0aW9 uIjoiU2Vjb25kIHByb2R1Y3QiCiAgICAgICAgICAgIH0gICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgICAgICB dLAogICAgICAgICJ0b3RhbF90YXhfYW1vdW50IjoxMDAwCiAgICB9", "signature": "kUi2x9dKHAVNU0FYldOcZzUCwX6R\/ekpZhkIQg==" }
{ "project_id": 120, "payment_id": "580", "payment_amount": 6000, "payment_currency": "EUR", "customer_id": "customer1", "billing_country": "AT", "billing_city": "Vienna", "billing_address": "Wiener Brauhausstraße 1", "billing_postal": "12345", "customer_country": "AT", "customer_first_name": "John", "customer_last_name": "Johnson", "customer_email": "customer@example.com", "receipt_data": "ewogICAgICAgICJwb3NpdGlvbnMiOiBbCiAgICAgICAgICAgIHsKICAgICAgICA gICAgICAgICJxdWFudGl0eSI6MSwKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICJhbW91bnQiOjIwMDAsCiA gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiJGaXJzdCBwcm9kdWN0IgogICAgICAgICA gICB9LAogICAgICAgICAgICB7CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAicXVhbnRpdHkiOjIsCiAgICA gICAgICAgICAgICAiYW1vdW50Ijo0MDAwLAogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgImRlc2NyaXB0aW9 uIjoiU2Vjb25kIHByb2R1Y3QiCiAgICAgICAgICAgIH0gICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgICAgICB dLAogICAgICAgICJ0b3RhbF90YXhfYW1vdW50IjoxMDAwCiAgICB9", "signature": "kUi2x9dKHAVNU0FYldOcZzUCwX6R\/ekpZhkIQg==" }
Callback format
The Klarna method uses the standard format for callbacks to deliver purchase results. For more information, see Callbacks.
The following is the example of a callback with information about a 10.00 EUR
purchase made in the 442
{ "project_id": 442, "payment": { "id": "EP696e-3aea", "type": "purchase", "status": "success", "date": "2022-10-07T19:28:58+0000", "method": "Klarna", "sum": { "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" }, "description": "" }, "customer": { "id": "12345" }, "operation": { "id": 33, "type": "sale", "status": "success", "date": "2022-10-07T19:28:58+0000", "created_date": "2022-10-07T19:28:14+0000", "request_id": "a8ea69fdc5a83a2622-00000001", "sum_initial": { "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" }, "sum_converted": { "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" }, "code": "0", "message": "Success", "provider": { "id": 18052, "payment_id": "1665170919576", "auth_code": "" } }, "signature": "h14kSk782IZEgezTRpbZVe/54KGgd7mA==" }
The following is the example of a callback with information about a declined purchase.
{ "project_id": 442, "payment": { "id": "EP1d27-e7ee", "type": "purchase", "status": "decline", "date": "2022-10-10T09:28:33+0000", "method": "Klarna", "sum": { "amount": 1500000, "currency": "EUR" }, "description": "" }, "customer": { "id": "12345" }, "operation": { "id": 38, "type": "sale", "status": "decline", "date": "2022-10-10T09:28:33+0000", "created_date": "2022-10-10T09:28:19+0000", "request_id": "f56812a9270c19c04-00000001", "sum_initial": { "amount": 1500000, "currency": "EUR" }, "sum_converted": { "amount": 1500000, "currency": "EUR" }, "code": "20000", "message": "General decline", "provider": { "id": 18052, "payment_id": "", "auth_code": "" } }, "signature": "ZS90VEL4x5avOhc4MG85STSog==" }
Useful links
The following articles can be useful when implementing purchases via Payment Page:
- Interaction concepts—how to organise interaction with the payment platform by using Payment Page
- Signature generation and verification—about the procedure of creating and verifying signatures in requests and callbacks.
- Payment models and statuses—about the types, processing models, and possible statuses of supported payments and operations.
- One-time one-step purchase—about processing of one-time one-step purchases by using Payment Page.
- Information of operations performing—about error and response codes that are used in the payment platform to record information about performing of operations.
Purchases by using Gate
General information
To process a purchase through Gate by using the Klarna method, the merchant's web service is required to do the following:
- Send a request with all the required parameters and signature to the ecommpay URL.
- Receive an intermediate callback from the payment platform and redirect the customer to the provider service.
- Receive the final callback from the payment platform.
The full sequence and special aspects of purchase processing are provided below.
- A customer initiates a purchase by using the Klarna method in the web service.
- The web service sends the request for processing the purchase by using Gate to the specified ecommpay URL.
- The payment platform receives the request.
- The payment platform validates the required parameters and signature in the request.
- The payment platform sends the response to the web service with information about the receipt of the request and its validity (details).
- The payment platform performs further processing of the request (with parameter consistency check) and sends it to the provider service.
- The request is processed on the provider service side.
- The provider service sends the redirection data to the payment platform.
- The payment platform sends the callback with the redirection data to the web service.
- The customer is redirected to the provider service.
- The customer completes all required payment steps.
- The purchase is processed on the side of the provider service.
- The result is displayed to the customer.
- The customer is redirected to the web service.
- The provider service sends the payment result notification to the payment platform.
- The payment platform sends the payment result callback to the web service.
- The customer receives the payment result information from the web service.
Information about the formats of requests and callbacks used for processing payments by using the Klarna method via Gate is presented further in this section. General information about working with the Gate API is presented in Interaction concepts.
Request format
There are several things you need to consider when sending purchase requests by using the Klarna method:
- To initiate each purchase, send a POST request to the
endpoint. This request refers to the bank transfer requests group: /v2/payment/bank-transfer/{payment_method}/sale - Each request must include the following objects and parameters:
- Object
—general request information:project_id
—project identifier obtained from ecommpay during integrationpayment_id
—payment identifier unique within the projectsignature
—request signature created after all required parameters are specified (details—in the Signature generation and verification)
- Object
—payment information:amount
—payment amount in the smallest currency unitcurrency
—payment currency code in the ISO-4217 alpha-3 format
- Object
—customer information:id
—customer identifier unique within the projectip_address
—customer IP address relevant for the initiated paymentfirst_name
—customer first nameemail
—customer last name (to avoid errors during payment processing it is recommended to set the following value length—from 3 to 100 characters). If this parameter is missing, the payment platform may send the list of missing parameters in a callback requesting additional information submission (details are available in Submission of additional payment information)- Object
—information about the customer's billing address:country
—the country code of the customer billing address, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 formatcity
— the city of the customer billing addressaddress
— the customer billing address in the specified citypostal
— the postal code of the specified billing address
—the country code of the customer physical address, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
- Object
It is required to specify the list of purchased items and applicable taxes in the
parameter, the value of which consists of thepositions
array and thetotal_tax_amount
array must include at least one object containing the following parameters (for each position of goods or services):quantity
data type)—number of items or weight, if sold in bulk, as a single positionamount
data type)—amount paid by the customer for all goods or services in this position, in the smallest currency unitNotice: The total amount regarding all positions must be equal to the payment amount specified in theamount
parameter of thepayment
data type)—description of sold goods or services
data type) must indicate the total amount of taxes applicable to all specified positions, this amount is included in the payment amount.Note: When processing payments by using the Klarna method the payment platform takes into account only the parameters that are described in this paragraph. If other parameters are specified as part of the list of purchased items (like when working with card payments, details), they are ignored when working with this method. - If you need to preselect one of the payment options on the provider side, specify one of the following values of the
parameter in theaccount
— for purchase by paying the full amount at once;bnpl
— for purchase by installments (the maximum time period for completing the purchase is 30 days);financing
— for purchase by credit.
- Additionally, any other parameters included in the specification can be used.
Thus, a correct purchase request by using the Klarna method must contain the project identifier, basic payment information (identifier, amount, and currency code), customer and receipt information, as well as signature.
{ "general": { "project_id": 211, "payment_id": "payment_id", "signature": "PJkV8ej/UG0Di8NNNIipTv+AWoXW/9MTO8yJA==" }, "payment": { "amount": 6000, "currency": "EUR" }, "customer": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Johnson", "email": "customer@example.com", "id": "123", "ip_address": "", "billing": { "country": "AT", "city": "Vienna", "address": "Wiener Brauhausstraße 1", "postal": "12345" }, "country": "AT" }, "receipt_data": { "positions": [ { "quantity": 1, "amount": 2000, "description": "First product" }, { "quantity": 2, "amount": 4000, "description": "Second product" } ], "total_tax_amount": 1000 } }
{ "general": { "project_id": 211, "payment_id": "payment_id", "signature": "PJkV8ej/UG0Di8NNNIipTv+AWoXW/9MTO8yJA==" }, "payment": { "amount": 6000, "currency": "EUR" }, "customer": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Johnson", "email": "customer@example.com", "id": "123", "ip_address": "", "billing": { "country": "AT", "city": "Vienna", "address": "Wiener Brauhausstraße 1", "postal": "12345" }, "country": "AT" }, "receipt_data": { "positions": [ { "quantity": 1, "amount": 2000, "description": "First product" }, { "quantity": 2, "amount": 4000, "description": "Second product" } ], "total_tax_amount": 1000 } }
Formats of intermediate callbacks for customer redirection
Each payment made with the Klarna method requires redirection of customers from the merchant's web service to the Klarna service. To redirect a customer it is necessary to receive an intermediate callback from the payment platform and use the information included in the redirect_data
object. The format of such callbacks is standard (details), and the following objects and parameters are included in the redirect_data
—object with data to be sent in the request bodymethod
—parameter specifying the HTTP method for sending the request (GET
—parameter containing a link for redirection
"redirect_data": { "body": {}, "method": "GET", "url": "https://www.example.com/pay" }
Final callback format
The Klarna method uses the standard format for callbacks to deliver purchase results. For more information, see Callbacks.
The following is the example of a callback with information about a 10.00
purchase made in the 442
{ "project_id": 442, "payment": { "id": "EP696e-3aea", "type": "purchase", "status": "success", "date": "2022-10-07T19:28:58+0000", "method": "Klarna", "sum": { "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" }, "description": "" }, "customer": { "id": "12345" }, "operation": { "id": 33, "type": "sale", "status": "success", "date": "2022-10-07T19:28:58+0000", "created_date": "2022-10-07T19:28:14+0000", "request_id": "a8ea69fdc5a83a2622-00000001", "sum_initial": { "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" }, "sum_converted": { "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" }, "code": "0", "message": "Success", "provider": { "id": 18052, "payment_id": "1665170919576", "auth_code": "" } }, "signature": "h14kSk782IZEgezTRpbZVe/54KGgd7mA==" }
The following is the example of a callback with information about a declined purchase.
{ "project_id": 442, "payment": { "id": "EP1d27-e7ee", "type": "purchase", "status": "decline", "date": "2022-10-10T09:28:33+0000", "method": "Klarna", "sum": { "amount": 1500000, "currency": "EUR" }, "description": "" }, "customer": { "id": "12345" }, "operation": { "id": 38, "type": "sale", "status": "decline", "date": "2022-10-10T09:28:33+0000", "created_date": "2022-10-10T09:28:19+0000", "request_id": "f56812a9270c19c04-00000001", "sum_initial": { "amount": 1500000, "currency": "EUR" }, "sum_converted": { "amount": 1500000, "currency": "EUR" }, "code": "20000", "message": "General decline", "provider": { "id": 18052, "payment_id": "", "auth_code": "" } }, "signature": "ZS90VEL4x5avOhc4MG85STSog==" }
Useful links
The following articles can be useful when implementing purchases via Gate:
- Interaction concepts—how to organise interaction with the payment platform by using Gate
- Signature generation and verification—about the procedure of creating and verifying signatures in requests and callbacks.
- Payment models and statuses—about the types, processing models, and possible statuses of supported payments and operations.
- One-time one-step purchase—about processing of one-time one-step purchases by using Payment Page.
- Information of operations performing—about error and response codes that are used in the payment platform to record information about performing of operations.
Refunds by using Gate
General information
To perform a refund through Gate by using the Klarna method, send a request with all required parameters and signature to the ecommpay URL and receive a callback with the result. The full sequence and special aspects of refund performing are provided below.
- A customer initiates a refund.
- The web service sends the request for performing the refund by using Gate to the specified ecommpay URL.
- The payment platform receives the request.
- The payment platform validates the required parameters and signature in the request.
- The payment platform sends the response to the web service with information about the receipt of the request and its validity (details).
- The payment platform performs further processing of the request (with parameter consistency check) and sends it to the Klarna service.
- The refund is processed on the side of the Klarna service.
- The Klarna service sends the result notification to the payment platform.
- The payment platform sends the result callback to the web service.
- The customer receives the refund result information from the web service.
Information about the formats of requests and callbacks used for performing refunds by using the Klarna method via Gate is presented further in this section. General information about working with the Gate API is presented in Interaction concepts.
Request format
There are several things you need to consider when sending refund requests by using the Klarna method:
- To initiate each refund, send a POST request to the
endpoint. This request refers to the bank transfer requests group: /v2/payment/bank-transfer/{payment_method}/refund - Each request must include the following objects and parameters:
- Object
—general request information:project_id
—project identifier obtained from ecommpay during integrationpayment_id
—identifier of the payment that needs to be refundedpayment identifiersignature
—request signature created after all required parameters are specified (details—in the Signature generation and verification)
- Object
—refund information:description
—refund description or commentamount
—refund amount in the smallest currency unit (required for a partial refund)currency
—refund currency code in the ISO-4217 alpha-3 format (required for a partial refund)
- Object
—customer information:ip_address
—customer IP address relevant for the initiated refund
- Object
- Additionally, any other parameters included in the specification can be used.
Thus, a correct refund request by using the Klarna method must contain the project and payment identifiers, description of the refund, the customer IP address, signature, and, if necessary, currency code and refund amount.
{ "general": { "project_id": 210, "payment_id": "test_payment", "signature": "PJkV8ej\/UG0Di8hTng6JvipTv+AWoXW\/9MTO8yJA==" }, "payment": { "description": "test refund", "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" }, "customer": { "ip_address": "" } }
{ "general": { "project_id": 210, "payment_id": "test_payment", "signature": "PJkV8ej\/UG0Di8hTng6JvipTv+AWoXW\/9MTO8yJA==" }, "payment": { "description": "test refund", "amount": 1000, "currency": "EUR" }, "customer": { "ip_address": "" } }
Callback format
The Klarna method uses the standard format for callbacks to deliver refund results. For more information, see Callbacks.
The following is the example of a callback with information about a 3.00 EUR
partial refund made in the 442
{ "project_id": 442, "payment": { "id": "EP8806-91ba", "type": "purchase", "status": "partially refunded", "date": "2022-10-10T13:21:33+0000", "method": "Klarna", "sum": { "amount": 300, "currency": "EUR" }, "description": "" }, "customer": { "id": "12345" }, "operation": { "id": 46, "type": "refund", "status": "success", "date": "2022-10-10T13:21:33+0000", "created_date": "2022-10-10T13:21:23+0000", "request_id": "b132a7883e19d0fe21b8fd1-00000001", "sum_initial": { "amount": 700, "currency": "EUR" }, "sum_converted": { "amount": 700, "currency": "EUR" }, "code": "0", "message": "Success", "provider": { "id": 18052, "payment_id": "1665408090952", "auth_code": "" } }, "signature": "7upYXNzrL/tQfYO0rwjvkc9LbDPkwSw==" }
The following is the example of a callback with information about a refund declined as the amount in the refund requested is greater than the amount in the initial payment.
{ "project_id": 211, "payment": { "id": "refund_02", "type": "purchase", "status": "success", "date": "2019-02-19T14:25:25+0000", "method": "Klarna", "sum": { "amount": 100000, "currency": "EUR" }, "description": "test_02" }, "account": { "number": "035209875690435" }, "operation": { "id": 14153000003282, "type": "refund", "status": "decline", "date": "2019-02-19T14:25:25+0000", "created_date": "2019-02-19T14:25:24+0000", "request_id": "9d11b2ca618ec3ba0f5fa58f174", "sum_initial": { "amount": 100000, "currency": "EUR" }, "sum_converted": { "amount": 100000, "currency": "EUR" }, "provider": { "id": 1169, "payment_id": "105887607", "date": "2019-02-19T14:25:24+0000", "auth_code": "" }, "code": "3283", "message": "Refund amount more than init amount" }, "signature": "of8k9xerKSKpFBR4XL0Sf/7eg==" }
Useful links
The following articles can be useful when implementing refunds via Gate:
- Interaction concepts—how to organise interaction with the payment platform by using Gate
- Signature generation and verification—about the procedure of creating and verifying signatures in requests and callbacks.
- Payment models and statuses—about the types, processing models, and possible statuses of supported payments and operations.
- Purchase refunds—about performing of refunds by using Gate.
- Information of operations performing—about error and response codes that are used in the payment platform to record information about performing of operations.
Refunds by using Dashboard
When working with Dashboard, you can perform single and mass refunds by using the Klarna method.
- To perform a single refund, select the target purchase, open its information tab, specify the amount of the refund, send a request and verify that the refund has been performed.
To perform a mass refund, prepare and upload a file with information about all target refunds, send a batch request, and verify that the refunds have been performed.
Use a CSV file structured according to the requirements presented in the Mass payments data section. The refund parameters must comply with the requirements (you do not have to generate a signature because it is specified by Dashboard).
More information Information about performing refunds by using Dashboard is presented in a separate section.
Analysis of payments results
To analyse information about payments made with the Klarna method as well as other methods, you can use:
- Dashboard interface toolkit with various lists and analytic panels.
- Reports in CSV file format, available via the Reports section (one-time and periodically).
- Data in JSON format, sent by program requests to a specified URL available by using the Data API interface.
If you have any questions, refer to the documentation (Dashboard and Using Data API) and ecommpay technical support.