Debt repayment

General information

Debt repayment is a type of purchase from the customer's card intended for payment of a loan or debt. This type of payment is available for merchants providing microfinance services with the category code 6012 or 6051, and is also mandatory for MFIs that are registered in the United Kingdom (for Mastercard payments) or the European Union (for Visa payments).

Debt repayment can be made as a one-time purchase, registration of a COF payment, or card verification operation. If an MFI is registered in the United Kingdom (for Mastercard payments) or in the European region according to Visa regulations (for Visa payments) in addition to the required objects and parameters, the MFI account number and additional customer data must be specified in the request:
  • debt_account—the merchant account number for debiting funds from the customer's card in order to repay the debt. Latin letters and numbers are allowed, the maximum length is 10 characters
  • customer_first_name—first name
  • customer_last_name—last name
  • customer_day_of_birth—date of birth, in the DD-MM-YYYY format
  • customer_zip—postal address code (mandatory for the UK).

This functionality is not available for payments with American Express cards.

If the parameter is not specified in the request, a callback containing this parameter is sent for additional payment information submission (for more details, see Submission of additional payment information).

Figure 1. Example of a request for a one-time payment to repay debt
    { payment_id: '3936', 
      payment_amount: 1000, 
      payment_currency: 'EUR', 
      project_id: 200,
      debt_repayment: '897896541,
      customer_first_name: 'John',
      customer_last_name: 'Johnson',
      customer_zip: 'SW1W 0NY,
      customer_day_of_birth: '12-05-1990',
      customer_id: '1',
      signature: "PJkV8ej\/UG0Di8NN5...=="

If the debt repayment is made by the registration of a COF payment—you do not need to pass additional parameters in requests for payment processing—they will be taken from the initial request for registration.

For more information about this functionality and how to enable it, refer to the ecommpay key account manager.

Mastercard restrictions

According to Mastercard requirements, this functionality is available to merchants from the United Kingdom only with the category code 6012. For all other countries both 6012 or 6051 codes are available. It is prohibited to repay debts from credit and prepaid cards if the country of issue of the card and registration of the merchant is the United Kingdom.

Visa restrictions

According to Visa requirements, merchants from the United Kingdom who accept payment of overdue debts must have the category code 6051. In other cases and for all other countries both 6012 or 6051 codes are available. It is prohibited to repay debts from credit cards.