Sending receipts and notifications to customer
Sending a receipt
To form and send an electronic sales receipt to customers after performing a payment, pass all the positions indicated in the receipt in the payment request.
The data for the receipt is passed as a JSON object which is encoded in Base64 and sent in the payment request in the receipt_data parameter. The JSON object structure is given in the receiptdata
model in the Gate
Example of the receipt data to be sent
Initial JSON object:
{ "receipt_data":{ "positions":[ { "quantity":3, "amount":10000, "tax":18, "tax_amount":1800, "description":"Design frame" } ], "total_tax_amount":1800, "common_tax":18 } }
The same data, encoded in Base64, to be sent to Payment Page in the payment request:
receipt_data: "eyAgCiAgICAgICJwb3NpdGlvbnMiOlsgIAogICAgICAgICB7ICAKICAgICAg
For more information about sending receipts to customers, see the section Sending notifications to customers.