Payment method codes

When working with various interfaces of the ecommpay payment platform, you can use service codes of payment methods. For example, you have to use a code in a request for opening Payment Page to preselect a payment method (the code is specified as a value of the force_payment_method parameter) or to filter out a certain payment method (the code is specified as a value of the hide parameter). When working with the Gate interface, you have to use payment method codes to check payment method availability, while in Dashboard these codes are needed to issue payouts and refunds.

Note: Preselecting payment method groups with service codes is also supported when using Payment Page. To preselect a group, specify the relevant code as a value of the force_payment_group parameter in the request. These codes include the openbanking code for selecting the Open Banking methods group.

Keep in mind that depending on the interface you may have to use different codes for the same payment method. The following table contains the codes for Payment Page, Gate, and Dashboard interfaces. Some of the codes listed in the Gate, Dashboard column can only be used for working with the Gate API. Such codes are marked with Gate only. If you have any questions about working with individual codes, contact the ecommpay technical support.

When working with various interfaces of the ecommpay payment platform, you can use service codes of payment methods. Keep in mind that depending on the interface you may have to use different codes for the same payment method. The following table contains the codes for Payment Page, Gate, and Dashboard interfaces. The codes intended for working exclusively with the Gate API are marked with Gate only.

Payment method Payment Page Gate, Dashboard
Standard card payments card
  • card (when using card numbers)
  • card-token (when using card tokens)
Alipay alipay wallet/alipay
Apple Pay
  • card (combined with direct use of cards)
  • apple_pay_core (only by using the Apple Pay service)
AstroPay astropay
  • wallet/astropay
  • pix
Bancontact bancontact bancontact
Banks of Hong Kong banks/hk
Banks of the Philippines online-philippines-banks banks/philippines
Blik blik blik
Buy Now Pay Later bnpl-humm bnpl/hummGate only
Boost Wallet boost boost Gate only
China UnionPay cup-union unionpay
Click to Pay etoken-click2pay etoken-click2pay coinsph-wallet wallet/coinsph
Direct Debit BACS directdebit-bacs bacs Gate only
Direct Debit SEPA directdebit-sepa sepa Gate only
DOKU Wallet doku doku
EPS eps eps Gate only
GCash gcash-wallet wallet/gcash
Google Pay
  • card (combined with direct use of cards)
  • google_pay_host (only by using the Google Pay service)
  • card (combined with direct use of cards)
  • google-pay (only by using the Google Pay service)
GrabPay grabpay-wallet wallet/grabpay
Hong Kong FPS QR hk-qr hk-qr Gate only
Indonesian Online Banking online-indonesian-banks banks/indonesia
Indonesian Virtual Accounts indonesia-va banks/indonesiaGate only
Klarna klarna klarna
iDeal ideal online-banking/ideal
Local payouts to bank accounts in the UK bank-transfer/uk
Malaysian Online Banking online-malaysian-banks banks/malaysia
Maya paymaya-wallet wallet/paymaya
MBWay mbway wallet/mbway
MoMo Wallet momopay momopay Gate only
Multibanco multibanco bank-transfer/multibancoGate only
Neteller neteller-wallet wallet/neteller
Open Banking in Austria online-austrian-banks austria Gate only
Open Banking in Belgium online-belgian-banks belgium Gate only
Open Banking in Estonia online-estonian-banks estonia Gate only
Open Banking in Finland online-finnish-banks finland Gate only
Open Banking in France online-french-banks france Gate only
Open Banking in Germany online-german-banks germany Gate only
Open Banking in Greece online-greek-banks greece Gate only
Open Banking in Hungary online-hungarian-banks hungary Gate only
Open Banking in Latvia online-latvian-banks latvia Gate only
Open Banking in Lithuania online-lithuanian-banks lithuania Gate only
Open Banking in the Netherlands online-netherlands-banks netherlands Gate only
Open Banking in Norway online-norwegian-banks norway Gate only
Open Banking in Poland online-polish-banks poland Gate only
Open Banking in Portugal online-portuguese-banks portugal Gate only
Open Banking in Romania online-romanian-banks romania Gate only
Open Banking in Spain online-spanish-banks spain Gate only
Open Banking in Sweden online-swedish-banks sweden Gate only
Open Banking in the UK uk UK Gate only
OVO Wallet ovo ovo
Payouts to bank accounts in SEPA bank-transfer/world
Paypal paypal-wallet wallet/paypal
PayPal Pay Later paypal-wallet wallet/paypal
Philippines Over the Counter & ATM philippines-atm atm/philippinesGate only
PIX pix pix
Promptpay promptpay banks/promptpayGate only
Przelewy24 przelewy24 online-banking/przelewy24
QRIS indonesia-qr Indonesia-qr Gate only
QR Ph ph-qr qr/ph-qr Gate only
Shopee shopee shopee Gate only
Singapore Online Banking online-singapore-banks banks/singapore
Skrill Wallet skrill skrill
Swish swish banks/swish
Thai Online Banking online-thailand-banks banks/thailand
Touch&Go touchngo_wallet wallet/touchngo
TrueMoney true-money true-money Gate only
Trustly online-banking-trustly online-banking/trustly
Vietnamese Online Banking online-vietnam-banks banks/vietnam
WeChat wechat wallet/wechat